Soverato, where Soveratesi will go for the summer?



SOVERATO – The choice of a destination where to pass the vacations often it is entrusted to Internet. The opportunities that the net of the nets offers  are many and with some attention, avoiding chosen hurried and not very weighted, can be passed a beautiful weekend abroad or the classics 10 days of vacations (a time were something in more) without spending many moneies. But where they will go the Soveratesi that want to be moved outside from walls of the citizen for the summery season? Generally they believed to go abroad and this year there is already who has moved towards Greece. Others instead that they are to the search to put itself protected from the warmth, choose mountain locality. But is it convenient to entrust itself to Internet in order to choose the goal of the vacations? To Soverato and in the comprensorio various travel agencies exist and they are an optimal reference for who want to program the destination of the holidaies. For those who they decide, instead using Internet, is necessary to make much attention the travel proposals and to carefully estimate the seriousness and the credibility of those who they offer weekend to prices many bottoms. To use Internet for travels and vacations is becoming a habit that to Soverato, like in great part of Italy, is taking more and more foot. But returning to the goals where to be able to go a truly pleasant one for those who they wish relax it is Finland. The country of summer the Europe north “- law in a famous made press circular from the national Agency of the Finnish tourism – receives its visitors with great spaces, cleaned up air, nature without contamination, stimulating cultural events”. Moreover – the official notice continues – Finland offers “the possibility to practice to sport and activity in the open air, receptive structures of quality and for every requirement, a genuine kitchen that inspires to the typical plates of the territory and the acceptance of cordial and friendly people”. And goodness knows, – it is easy to imagine will be asking some Soveratese -, if to Helsinki it will touch to us to pay the parkings?

Fabio Guarna

P.S. Excuse me for my english but i now that there are many english-readers and when it’s possible and above all there is time i try makes to understand me in english

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